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Antonio Marras Woman Milan Fashion WeekAntonio Marras Woman Milan Fashion Week



A passionate dedication to Carol Rama

The first time I met Carolina I was terrified … I admit that it does not happen very often, I would say that it happens rarely to be so terrified that I could not think of anything else.

Yes, it was decided: First, we’d go to the gallery to see her artworks, afterwords in the afternoon we’ d go home to Carol’s, just by food as she’s living just round the corner in front of Mollino’s house.

Carol welcomed us in the hallway, crowned by her braid and took us to the bedroom. She was sitting in her armchair and told us where to go: “You here, she there and you, Antonio, come here on the floor just beside me.”

Carol attracts you and she catches you. She was telling us about Man Ray, Warhol, Orson Wells, Carlo Mollino, the frogs, …and the asylum and the french kisses…

She started playing with my rags and at that point I was hoping that time would never pass by. We talked again on the phone, we screamed that we were already missing each other.

She is beautiful, inappropriate, provocative, disturbing and generous. A character from all over the top whose art is incomprehensible, obscene and crazy, just like her. I’ve always loved, she says, things and situations that were used to be rejected with.

There is so much to fall in love with, deeply in love – and I did… From that point on, our first meeting, our never-ending story started. A story of handcraft and silks, embroideries and prints, flowers and colors. The warm colors of the sunset in the mornings and dreams of the night.

Shame and transgression, hands and roses, frogs and hands, hands and … “a rose is a rose is a rose” …from dream to nightmare to extravagance, the extravagance of the avant-garde, powerful and front, poetic, languid and crazy and impredictabel as a magma, as an encounter of love, as a memory … dresses and sweaters and shirts as hugs, sometimes reassuring, sometimes too sensual … silks and pleats and prints and secrets … an extension that hides and exalts for an intimate private vision, for a meeting with yourself … for those who have to deal with the follies and deceptions.

Bold colors such as the turquoise of a sky without disorder but filled with flowers and sensual imaginations of antique roses, an orange, warm, hot, bright, direct, so shameless.

Transparent organza, voile and tulle like secrets we do not want to hide, appearing polka dots and bicycle tyres which turn soft, just like surrealist dreams combined with texture sometimes taken from Carol’s pieces of art, some other time freely inspired by her. And hands that hug or tighten or warm or stop …

The jewelry/sculpture born from the meeting of Monica Castiglioni (artist, photographer and designer) and Antonio Marras. Each piece is unique and each element appears to be the fragment of a dictionary which is made up revealing a language.

Objects, rings and necklaces and bracelets, such as prosthesis, present and powerful, visible in their being timeless, enhanced by the luster of bronze.

Pieces conceived for a project which is based on some fundamental connections of the body, Connection between organ and organ, between inside and outside, between full and empty, between visible and invisible, between shyness and arrogance.

Forms that arise from a reference and a definite icon: Carol Rama

Francesca Alfano Miglietti


Summer Antonio Marras Trends 2015 Woman
Summer 2015 Fashion Show Antonio Marras Womenswear
Summer 2015 Fashion Model Antonio Marras Womenswear

Thu, September 25 2014 » Fashion Blog


Antonio Marras Man Milan Fashion Week

1) Because Gigi Riva played 442 matches on 446 with No. 11 on his shirt.

2) Because Gigi Riva is the champion that all the children would have liked to emulate.

3) Because Gianni Brera renamed him “rumble of thunder” and no nickname was more appropriate and I love it.

4) Because Gigi Riva is the revenge of a ‘childhood made of anguish, poverty, denial and bitterness.

5) Because, thanks to Gigi Riva, Cagliari was said to be the prodigy of a team winning in the scirocco area…. isn’t it beautiful?

6) Because Gigi Riva had a shot that drills through nets, an extraordinary overhead kick, a skillful and dangerous header, and when he kicked diagonally from the left he found the lower corner with his eyes closed.

7) Because even the old women from Orgosolo, shrouded in their dark brown shawls with long and waving fringes who go to church at five in the evening and who know little about football, know Gigi Riva.

8) Because on April 12, 1970 in an interview Gigi Riva said … I like Sardinia. I think it is good for me, especially to my health ….. humidity does not exist here, there is no snow, there is no fog. I think that .. one day for me and for my children .. Sardinia could be the ideal place.

9) Because Gigi Riva used to received 100 love letters a day and the poor postman distressed by his labor problems was to unload all those letters at his hotel in via Sanna Randaccio.

10) Because even if Gigi Riva used to have an island exploding for him every Sunday, even though he was courted by every team, he always had a shadow of melancholy in his eyes, on his lips, in the timbre of his voice.

11) Because Gigi Riva can be summed up in one sentence by Gozzano: I don’t like things that could have been but were not.

And 11+1 reason because in 1970 the “red-blue team” won the championship.


A revenge for an island abused by men and by nature.

A revenge for all those who continue to live on the island and especially for those who had to go away and that from a distance feel even more connected to their land.

Today, frustrations, sufferings and disappointments are cancelled.

A revenge: to be the first and to be the champions of Italy.

Ps: And still, above all, a reason:
Because …….. we still need heroes and Gigi Riva is a hero.


Summer Antonio Marras Trends 2015 Man
Summer 2015 Fashion Show Antonio Marras
Spring Summer 2015 Fashion Model Antonio Marras
Spring 2015 Man Fashion Show Antonio Marras
Summer 2015 Fashion Trends Antonio Marras

Mon, August 4 2014 » Fashion Blog

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